age: 26 years old

species:sick man in dog clothes

Sid (real name is sidney) is a strange, criminal, alcoholic and drug user who constantly wears a dog costume,this costume It's because sometimes he works as a children's party entertainer and forgets to change his clothes. He lives in a rented apartment with his best friend Sushi, an apartment owned by Otis, that is, they pay the rent to Otis, which makes Sid get involved in criminal activities to pay all the household expenses.

Personality traits: He tends to talk too much, sometimes he says things he shouldn't, like his criminal involvement and sushi. He can also be quite aggressive and literally crazy, a total freak because of the frequent mental madness in his head, which sometimes makes him start acting like a dog... -interests: smoking weed, watching TV for long periods of time, lying in bed procrastinating and having existential crises, sushi, playing bass, guns, old tapes, underground punk bands...-dislikes: orders, otis, christianity, things that confuse him mentally, politicians, journalism, when smoking is prohibited somewhere... He is also the bassist in a band with sushi. Sid also has somewhat contradictory opinions about Christianity, which makes Otis a little upset with him.

